The Art of Zarum
Original Lyrics
Punishments Past
International Copyright
All Rights Reserved
You’ll never know just how I feel
To be accused of something wronged
To feel the lash of punishments past
To pay for sins with your wooden nickels
Not once, but twice I’ve been racked
Show me your smoking gun
Bring forth your priests to plough your truth
But don’t look to me to be your Dreyfus
I’ve withstood the storms
The jagged words have ceased to slice
What once was feverous has turned to ice
Your guillotine blade has dulled by wit
But nothing you can do can dull my bit
So take your accusations
Your mind slinging venom to clean
Gather all your rancid ingredients
And conjure up your delectable cuisine
I’ve withstood the storms
The jagged words have ceased to slice
What once was feverous has turned to ice
Your guillotine blade has dulled by wit
But nothing you can do can dull my bit