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“The audience I  address is everyone who dares to see beauty in creation, anyone who allows themselves to be inspired  about freedom, all who believe in tenderness, while  remembering to keep our sense of humor alive through good and bad times”
"If  Karel Appel would meet Picasso, add a bit aboriginal influence and there is Zarum. Very  good and very different, that's what  it is." (Niek de Kruif) 
Lear More About The Artist 
Click on the pictures to view larger image and  
read a description of each painting. 
Lips Triage by ZARUM 61x91cm x3
6 Lips by ZARUM 102 x 184cm
Crowded Lips by ZARUM 214 x 96cm
Reminisce by ZARUM 102x122cm
Love 90x90cm 
The Kiss   90x90cm
Giraffes on the Museumplien
Giraffes on Bicycles 60x80cm
Viva Espana  60x80cm 
New Years Eve  60x40cm
Guitar Woman 60 x 40cm
Stress  60x40cm
Head Turner 20x40cm 
The Giving Woman 20x40cm
Kissing  24x43cm